Reading #4 - Book Design

8 Things I learned about Book Design

1. Book design has been separated into two disciplines - Book
             Interior and the Book Jacket.

2. Book designers are typographers who understand the nuances
              of type and are skilled at the presenting a page in the
              most elegant and accessible form possible.

3. Interior design is less "glamorous," but it is a necessary evil.

4. Book designers also design the binging, casing, the end papers,
              as well are the front and back covers.

5. Categories of Book design - trade or commercial (the production
               of non-fiction and fiction books for general audience),
               professional (which caters to the needs of specific
               professional groups) and textbook (which produces
               educational books for schools and course works.

6. The book jacket design is the means to persuade someone to buy.

7. Mass-market paperback houses often produce three times as many
              as the average trade publisher.

8. Book Jacket is like a mini-poster, but the interior is a manner of a
               visual book, an understanding of the nature of visual placing.