Reading #3

Reading #3 Music Design

10 Things I learned about Music Industry Design

1. The first designed record album increased sales by 800% over non 
    designed record albums.

2. Recording industry offers a designer a modicum of cultural cachet 
    and public visibility

3. All collateral materials created by the designer may be:
         - lyric booklets
         - special collection or deluxe albums
         - in-store displays

4. Many times there are different designers for the different genres

5. All album covers are subject to change by designers, non designers, 
    and even the artist of the album may make changes.

6. Independent companies may take more risks over their larger and 
    more well known counter-parts.

7. Working for an indie record label is a good entry point into the album 
    design field.

8. Key to being a good music designer is to have a passion for music 
    regardless of style or form.

9. Appreciate the music genre you are designing for.

10. Effective music design must somehow underscore the essence 
      of the musical content, help to project the ideas there in and apply
      emblematic image.