Reading #2 Information Design

9 Things I learned about Information Design

1. Information design is also known as Information Architecture

2. A movement called the Pictograph Revolution was launched by the German Designer
    Otto Neurath. He introduced the pictorial sign symbols.

3. Pictorial Sign Symbols are icons used in public spaces to identify certain things or places.
    (Ex. Restroom signs that have a symbol for men and for women.)

4. The role of an information designer is to "guide users away from confusion to understanding.

5. Types of information graphic designer jobs: proportion typographers, statistical analysts,
    mapmakers and reporters.

6. Being Information Architect does not come naturally and these are the steps to become one.
    1 - Have a good education
    2 - Start practicing at any level or medium
    3 - Explore different ways to organize information

7. Importance in data-giving graphics is clear, accurate information, visually articulate and          
    aesthetically pleasing and expresses the personality of the designer.

8. As an entry level or junior designer, information graphics should show the unity of research,
    reporting and design. Ten to twenty samples of design that show drafting and conceptual strengths.

9. Good information design can clear up "information anxiety."